How to Lift your morning mood in less than 30 seconds


Do you ever find yourself feeling mopey, uninspired or just plain old “blah” in the mornings?

My morning motivation has been particularly challenged this week having just returned from a two week adventure with my husband in gorgeous Italy! We had the best time… lots of good food, good wine, beautiful art, romantic sunsets, naps and my personal favorite… quality time with my man. We had time to reflect, connect and have deep and honest conversations (at leisure which is the best) about who we are, where we have come and where we are headed. It was an exciting but also an incredibly grounding trip and I am so grateful. (See a few fun pics from our trip here!)

As you can imagine though, transitioning back into the swing of everyday life (with jet lag) has been a bit mopey… especially in the mornings!

Now, I know the typical list of ideas and advice that are sure to help anyone perk up in morning…things like:

And yes….we would feel immeasurably better if we tried any of the above BUT they all take (at the very least) an hour. And after being away from work and other life commitments for two weeks I really haven’t had that kind of time.

Instead, this week I have been practicing the easiest and most effortless way I know to lift anyones morning mood – in just 30 seconds.

Opening your windows!

I realize this seems eye-rollingly simple, but I can’t tell you how many times clients have complained about a mope-inducing room and when I check it out, I see that the shades are drawn against the daylight. And obviously I’m not immune to this myself! There are so many days I’ve found myself slouching around in my pajamas, unmotivated to do anything, only to look up and realize that it’s midday and I’ve haven’t seen any daylight yet!

Fresh air and sunlight are crucial to our mental and physical health. Sunlight boosts serotonin, reduces stress, improves sleep, and can even reduce cancer risks. Access to fresh air improves our blood pressure and heart rate, strengthens our immune systems, and increases energy.

Luckily for us, accessing this invigorating, refreshing air and light is often as easy as pulling the cord on that blind and pushing open the window. Even if it’s cold outside, just a few minutes of gusty, clean air can revive you and give you (and your space) a fresh start.

I know it’s simple but I promise you – it’s huge. Pull up the shades, let the crisp fall air in, and, by golly, if those windows are dirty, clean ‘em.

This week I challenge you to:

In your Home: Get acquainted with the state of your windows. Do they need any repairs or cleaning? Commit to opening your shades – and the whole window if you can –  every day and notice if you feel a difference in your mood.

In your Heart: If you realize that you have been unconsciously living in the dark, ask yourself what this might be a metaphor for in your life? What are your dirty, dark windows mirroring back to you?

In the Comments Below: I would love to know what other quick and simple things you do to brighten your mood? Lets create a running list together!

Sending Love,


8 Comments on “How to Lift your morning mood in less than 30 seconds

  1.  by  Stephanie

    Hi Rebecca! I love this tip, and I love your blog! Few things beat fresh air. I like to start my day with by making my bed, then making some hot water with lemon. The lemon always seems to lift my groggy mood, and the made bed gives me the feeling of a fresh start to my day. Thanks so much for your blog! As a recovering slob, I appreciate your personal story and I love how you’re creating beauty and light in the world.

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Stephanie!

      Thanks so much for your comment and I love you tips! Making the bed and lemon water wonderful ways to start the day. My favorite old adage is “Messy bed…Messy head!” So true right?

      Sending love,

  2.  by  Susanne

    My window is always open, I need fresh air at every time. The moment I wake up, one of my cats are coming to me “talking” and requesting some strokes. After that I feed them and prepare a nice cup of tea which is perfect while I write one page. That is my perfect start into the day.

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