Making Room For What You Love + My May Day Adventure

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Since I was a little girl I’ve been fascinated with May Day.

The joyful celebration of springtime and the coming of sweet summer with flowers and random acts of kindness has always made me smile. (If you are not familiar with May Day you can learn more about the history across different cultures here.)

For years I have fantasized about having my own May Day adventure but never made it happen.

This year, in celebration of my own “Making Room to Bloom” process and a desire to create more space for what (and who) I love, I decided to celebrate May Day exactly the way I have always wanted.

The result was a day more magical and nourishing than I ever imagined.

Here is what happened….

I secretly blocked off the whole day – when my friends tried to schedule coffee dates, I smugly announced that I was busy.

I did a little work the night before, visiting my favorite florist and bringing home a bounty of gorgeous florals that met three requirements: beautiful, bright, and fragrant (the lilac in and of itself checks all those boxes!)


I made cryptic name tags that would leave my girlfriends guessing.


I jumped out of bed on May 1st at 6am and started arranging bouquets in my kitchen. I was worried it might take forever and that I’d be short on time for my deliveries. Turns out, when you’re doing what you love (and yes, I LOVE arranging flowers!) things go pretty quickly! I was out the door by 8am.


With 20 vases piled into the back of my car, Parisian tunes lilting through the speakers and GPS leading the way, I was off!

Oh and I forgot to mention… it was an 80 degree day in San Francisco! If you know San Francisco, heat like this IS EXTREMELY rare…but it allowed my to fully manifest my vision of frolicking around in a sundress. Loved it!


I drove all around town visiting the doorsteps of my dear ladyfriends.

Now, this tradition was developed in the days of tiny mountain villages – not limited downtown parking and condo buildings with locked entrances. I had to get a little crafty. I made friends with security guards, jumped a fence and even had to disguise my voice (I used my best British accent, of course!) and said “Delivery for you. Could you come down and sign for it?”


To say that my day was fun, playful, and full of beauty is an understatement. I had the best day ever!

Plus the realizations I had when I got home were amazing and are what brought the whole experience come full circle.  My day of floral-filled shenanigans truly reflected my decision to make room for what I love.

Here’s what I learned:

1.  Busy-ness can be a form of hiding – from ourselves, from our loved ones, from the world

After all the fun I had, I couldn’t believe it had taken me so many years to do something so simple and joyful. Each year, as April wound down, I’d tell myself that I was too busy to make my silly, sweet May Day plan happen. But if I’m really being honest with myself (and you) I was afraid to be my big, bold, generous, loving self. Would people reject me? See me as being too much? Too “over the top”?  Would they question my motives? So many of us shy away from who we truly are and what we truly want for fear that others won’t understand or love us anymore.

2.  Celebration is important (and there’s always a reason for it!)

The act of celebrating is such an amazing gift.  Celebration is deeply rooted in acknowledgment, validation, honor, tribute – something so many of us are starved for in our day-to-day lives. We’re  constantly moving from one thing to the next, never pausing to shine light on where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going.

Celebration helps us see, reflect, and connect. – Click to Tweet

It gives us permission to fully express our love. If you look long enough there is almost always a reason to celebrate. Try it. What and who needs celebrating in your life? (Don’t forget yourself!)

3. Generosity from a place of self love ripples out in amazing ways

My May Day adventure was as much about me as it was about the women I love.  It was a day about nourishing myself with my love of flowers and clearing space in my schedule to create a beautiful experience for everyone involved. It was a practice of being generous from a self-loving place.

What amazed me most, was how inspired and touched my friends were and how their inspiration went on to touch so many other people. It still gives me goosebumps!  Check out some of the sweet Instagram posts my friends posted as they were trying to solve the mystery of the “May Day fairy”:


One of my favorite reflections was a friend who said ”I was so energized when I found the flowers on my door step. It was such an interesting thing to receive but not know who it was from. Naturally, I wanted to say thank you but because I couldn’t, it just sparked this sense of pure joy in me and from this place of self joy I was moved to give to others.” Amazing!

All in all my May Day adventure filled my heart with more love then I ever imagined. It’s a day I will always remember and I’m already inspired, planning and potting for the future.

My Challenge for you!

How can you make room for what you love and take action around it? I challenge you to block off a whole day, make a plan to do something that you’ve been longing for – something that will light you up on the inside.  It can include other people or be solely for yourself. It doesn’t matter!

Just take action and in the comments below I would love to hear what you are planning to do!

Sending Love,                                                                                                                         Rebecca

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16 Comments on “Making Room For What You Love + My May Day Adventure

  1.  by  Ana

    Love the ebullience of your delight! What a great inspiring idea! So great that you offered them magically arriving and with such aplomb. Flowers have such a signature and the cards you made are gorgeous and fun. We need more bursts of this in our lives and I am so happy just seeing the images and hearing the tale. Bravo!!!

    What I am planning is to create my own cards with my colorful watercolors, so I can send a note at a moments notice instead of holding back thinking I do not have time to create one on the spot. Fresh, colorful, delightful and fun! Have been meaning to do it, as I often want to send a note more personally designed. You have inspired me to take action and just do it. Thank you, love your writing and vision.

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Ana!

      What a beautiful idea to create personalized cards that will be ready for you on a moments notice! A gift to yourself and those who will receive you love. Enjoy!


  2.  by  Julie Daley

    You. Are. A. Gift.
    As a recipient of this beauty and joy, thank you. Receiving your flowers caused me to feel something I haven’t felt in years. I don’t have a word for it, but I recognized the feeling immediately…and then I softened into it and just enjoyed it.
    Thank you, Love.

  3.  by  Becky Winkler

    I really enjoyed reading this post in my email! I’ve always loved the idea of May Day, too, and one year in the nineties I actually delivered little handmade paper baskets full of something to my friends in the neighborhood (I must have been about six). I obviously don’t remember it very clearly, but I DO remember it very fondly. Reading your e-book last week inspired me to start making some changes in my apartment (I ordered prints of some of my favorite food photos to hang by my desk to inspire me while I write my blog posts), and now I’m thinking about ways to show people more love. I know exactly what you mean about being afraid that people will think you’re “over the top”. I worried the same thing this morning when I had the idea to make brownies for the contractors my landlords hired to do some work in my apartment. They will definitely be getting brownies now, and they’ll have you to thank!

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Becky!

      Yay for lovely childhood memories and making brownies for people we appreciate! So lovely. And wonderful to hear about the changes you are making in your apt. Visual inspiration is so helpful when we are tapping into our creative capacities. Thanks for sharing!


  4.  by  Adrienn

    What a lovely idea!
    I can remember the last time I felt this kind of fear of being over the top but nonetheless asking our neighbours to come over for dinner. So glad I did, we had such a fun night and they where genuinely happy to be invited.

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Adrienn,

      Yes the fear of being “to much” is both sneaky and can be extremely strong for many of us. However, when we push through the feelings of aliveness and connection on the other side are amazing. Do you know have any ideas as to where you may have learned the fear of being over the top?


  5.  by  Nelda

    This is really a lovely idea, and your superpower of organization and beauty is very visible. What a great way of moving these gifts into play and joy. Thank you for sharing.

  6.  by  Leah

    this is amazing! I’m inspired to do something on the summer solstice, which is a day I always look forward to. Let the brainstorming begin. Thanks for sharing!!

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      How fun Leah! Happy brainstorming. Enjoy! :-)

  7.  by  Sarah Von

    Such a fun adventures! I’m making more room in life for reading real, actual books in the park and writing real, actual snail mail to my far-flung friends :)

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Sounds luscious and lovely Sarah! Enjoy! :-)

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