Tangible Tips To Transition Your Home For Fall


Last week, I talked about the inner processes fall naturally supports: turning within, getting intentional, shedding layers that no longer serve us, and getting focused and grounded before the Holiday Crazies set in. (Check out the full post right here.)

Today, I want to share some of my favorite ways to take this inner clarity and translate it to external reality–in your life and especially in your home.

Remember: your home can be so much more than just a pretty place. It can provide invaluable support as you create the life of your dreams. Craving more social gatherings? Transform that dusty den into a beautiful spot for dinner parties. Whatever priority has your attention this season, let’s make your home help you bring it to life.

This fall, harness the power of your home to bring your

intentions to life. – Click to Tweet

Here are a few of my favorite in-the-home practices for this contemplative, focused season:

1) Get Warm and Cozy.

The crisp air of fall always makes me turn inward, get contemplative, and reflect on my priorities. We can support this natural shift in the home by creating a cozy atmosphere for reflection.

If you haven’t completed the action challenge from last week yet, I encourage you to create a little spot for yourself. Place a good book, your journal and/or some meaningful trinkets near by. Soften your lighting and swap harsh overhead lights for warm candles and fireplaces. Place fuzzy blankets and cozy shawls throughout your home. Set slippers by your bed, and consider warming your towels while in the shower. Pay attention to when the sun sets, and close your draperies. Welcome the evening by shifting the energy and creating a more cozy atmosphere.

2) Check-in With Your Clutter.

Fall’s discerning energy asks us to sift through our lives, and identify what matters … and release what doesn’t. Once you get clear on this (perhaps through reflection and/or journaling) bring your clarity into physical form by clearing clutter.

Set aside an afternoon for an “editing” session. I usually don’t do a full “spring clean” in the fall, but I do clear out a few counters and cupboards, pack away summer clothes, and give my home a general simplifying and decluttering.

Remember: make this an intentional exercise. Instead of clearing out things willy-nilly, start by asking yourself what’s really important in your life, and what you’re ready to release. Then, from this place, tour your home with fresh eyes, and release a few things that no longer support where you are and where you’re headed. (This post will help!)

3) Make Your Intentions and Priorities Visible.

Ready to re-live the back-to-school excitement of your childhood? Fall is the perfect time to tie up loose ends and take action on what matters most to you.

Once you identify what you’d like to do, let your home support you in making it happen. Make a list of priorities and put it front and center: on your fridge or nightstand. Got a self-care practice you keep “forgetting”? Put it into your calendar and make that time non-negotiable. Take those priorities and intentions and turn them into plans!

4) Celebrate Abundance.

Fall is the season of letting go and releasing … but it’s also the season of the harvest, and celebrating the fruits of our labors.

Create and display objects that represent fall’s bounty, for you. This could be a produce display (a literal “horn of plenty”). The best symbols though, contain personal meaning. What have you created this year that needs some celebrating? Display that project you finished or frame that photo of your friends or new baby. Create literal reminders in your home of all the abundance in your life.


In Your Home: Set aside a few hours this week to give your home some love. Find at least three things to release (or “edit” out of your space). Connect each one with the “bigger picture”: what deeper patterns or outdated dreams are you ready to let go of, this season?

In Your Heart: Take a little time for your inner poet/mystic/contemplative. Make a cozy spot for yourself, grab your journal and a cup of tea, and get quiet. What is your heart longing for, this season? What abundance needs some celebrating? Find some simple ways to honor what’s most alive and lovely for you, now.

In the Comments Below:  I would love to know which one of these ideas gets you most excited AND…what are your favorite ways to transition your home for fall?  Can’t wait to connect with you in the comments below.

Sending love,


P. S. If you liked this post, I’d love for you to share it with your friends. And if you’re curious about working privately with me (in person or via Skype), you can learn all about it right here.

3 Comments on “Tangible Tips To Transition Your Home For Fall

  1.  by  Erin @ Fierce Beagle

    My mother-in-law passed away two months ago after a four year battle with recurrent breast cancer. I was one of her two main caregivers in the last month of her life, and I planned her memorial. After it was all over, we had boxes of her things from the memory tables stacked in our spare room/office/creative space. I IMMEDIATELY felt the need to sort, edit, and evaluate the stuff and get rid of what needed to be released.

    Reading your blog has helped me identify how our home is so important to and closely tied to our state of mind and spirit. I knew right away that those boxes were weighing down my heart and not just cluttering my creative space. I’ve spent two full days this week going through them, experiencing the sadness and sorrow as well as the good memories, letting things go, and keeping a few important mementos to display in unobtrusive but visible locations for whenever we want to contemplate an object that makes us think of her.

    Before I might have closed the door and let those boxes stifle our space and our minds for months. This was so, so much better.

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Erin, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful comment and my heart goes out to you and your family for the loss of your mother-in-law. As you have so well articulated our space is often so connected to our grief and all the wonderful memories we hold in our hearts. Thank you for sharing your courageous process and I am so happy to hear that you have found a way to display momentos in way that is both supportive to your mind and spirit and to the precious memory of you mother-in-law.

      Sending Love,

  2.  by  Amy@macncheesenpeas

    Hi Rebecca,

    Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, and I tend to think about all the beauty there is outside, and neglect the inside of my home! I’m excited to use these tips to make my home super clean and cozy in preparation for winter. One thing I have been doing is lighting lots of incense lately, and I love to watch the smoke in the afternoon light, it’s divine! I also love the way it makes my home smell and the way it makes me feel.
    Can’t wait for your next post! I share excerpts from your posts all the time in my yoga classes, and people love them!


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