Are you a ‘Homemaker’ or a ‘Home-Creator?’


When I say ‘homemaker,’ what do you imagine?

A June Cleaver-type vacuuming in heels? Fruit suspended in a jello mold?  Doilies on top of everything?

Eeek,  I know! Let’s stop right there! Making a beautiful home that reflects who you are and the life you want shouldn’t be a lost art reserved for 1950s housewives.

In fact, I’d argue that the benefits and importance of tending to the home have been lost on Gen X.  Really, I would say that the art of the homemaker is one of the most neglected aspects of being human.

I’m here to change this.

Redefining homemaker.

Let’s be honest: the term homemaker has gotten a bad rap. It’s full of negative connotations and chauvinistic imagery.  I say it’s high time we reclaim it, turn it on its head, and announce that we’re home creators, instead.

Am I suggesting we return to a time when a woman’s “place” was in the home? Of course not.  That image of perfect Suzie Housewife with her crisp, white apron and pearls, not a silken blonde curl out of place, is a fraud. She never truly existed; may she finally rest in peace.

Instead, I want us all to reconnect with ourselves, our families, our bodies, and hearts through the rituals of creating our homes.

There is honor in creating a home.

Sometimes the activities of daily living that tend to fall under the banner of homemaking are not all that fun. But they need to get done, and the more we tend to them, the greater the benefits.

There is beauty and honor in being a home creator – the maker of the home. It transcends time, place, gender, occupation, income and comes to rest on the realization that the rituals of making a home for yourself and those you love can be a thing of pure joy.

There is honor and beauty in being a “home-creator” that transcends time, place, gender, occupation, and income. Click to tweet

Whether you’re cooking a meal, scrubbing a toilet, or rearranging the furniture for better flow and conversation… you are making an impact on your life and the life of those around you. These are no small tasks, and they deserve respect. When we tend to the home we are taking a subtle but profound kind of personal responsibility for creating our reality, creating our life the way we want/need it and reaping the benefits of living presently in our own uniquely beautiful, alive and real life.

How does creating a home help us evolve?

Home creating is more than keeping your space tidy, vacuuming the rugs, and folding the laundry. And in the same way, home creating is also more than merely decorating  or making your home look perfect.

Deep down, what is home creating really about?

It’s about building a safe, nourishing home environment for us to grow and evolve.

It’s about order and functionality rather than chaos and overwhelm.

It’s about beauty and connection rather than loneliness and depression.

Being a home creator is about tending the hearth – the heart of the home – but it’s equally about tending to your own heart and finding joy in the things that matter.  You’re tending the fire so that it doesn’t go out!

Take Action:

In Your Home: Take the time to reconnect with your home and the joy tending and creating it can bring. Make time to do the things that really matter and make life luscious: tend a garden with someone you love, bake a peach pie from scratch to share, or wipe away the dust of time so your favorite objects shine.

In Your Heart: Reframe your home creating tasks as blessings rather than “to-do’s.” Setting aside a day to tend to to your space is a beautiful ritual of self love, connection, nourishment, accomplishment, and fun.

In the Comments: (Right Below!) Tell me – how do you feel about the term ‘homemaker?’ Does it have positive or negative connotations for you?  Why is that?

And if you liked this post please share it with your friends!

9 Comments on “Are you a ‘Homemaker’ or a ‘Home-Creator?’

  1.  by  Aninha Livingstone

    Thank you for redefining homemaker. I am one who loves looking at the meta view, and you managed to bridge cleaning my house to the sacred as well as culture, history, and women’s issues. There is always so much more to what we do than meets the eye.

    My house needs some love today. I was under the weather this weekend. I hope to bring more heart and soul to the practice.

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Aninha! Yes, there is always so much more to what we do then meets the eye. Glad that this helped you look at the meta and sacred work aspects around caring for our homes. Enjoy connecting with your home and heart today! Let us know how it goes.

  2.  by  Tiffany Heritsch

    I love this post Rebecca! I completely agree. I am a certified Interior Designer, but I am staying home as a “home creator” while my kids are little. I love being able to stay home, but I often feel like I have to “explain” myself to others and you were able to articulate the reasoning so well. Thank you!

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Tiffany! I am so glad you enjoyed this post and that you found it helpful in understanding your powerful choice to be a stay at home “creator” more fully. What a beautiful gift you are giving to yourself and your family! You might try reframing the next time you are trying to “explain” (to yourself or someone else) why you are home with your kids, to seeing it as an opportunity to “share” more about your values, beliefs and priorities. I would be curious to see if it feels any different? Be sure to let me know! Thanks so much for coming by! Warmly, Rebecca

  3.  by  Carol

    Love this! I do think “creating” a home you love is a lost art and something we all long for. Your posts are so encouraging and great reminders that it’s not about getting that bigger house or the designer kitchen, but being content where you are and creating beautiful spaces for living, be it a dorm room or spacious villa! I am amazed how much our environment impacts us, finally taking the time to hang those prints I bought or framing favorite photographs can transform not just my room but my mood every time I see them. We’re all so busy, and we need to be reminded to slow down and be present and enjoy the place we call home. Thank you Rebecca!

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Carol! Yes our environment makes such a huge impact on your mind, body, and spirit and it is when we start to realize this, that we can create a deeper and more meaningful/supportive relationship with the spaces we live. And I couldn’t agree more with the constant reminder to slow down, enjoy life and really “live” in homes. Beautiful reminder. Thank you!

      Sending love,

  4.  by  Shirley

    I love the term home creator. because…. yes, we are creating a home. a home that nourishes. a home that feels good to be in. and when I am tidying up sometimes that feels like I’m freshening the energy in which I live. clearing out the old, and bringing in the new. clearing out the stagnant and creating space for new possibilities to unfold. it does begin in ourselves and our homes. I am enjoying bringing beauty into my home. with intention. thank you for sharing your musings and how our homes and lives intersect. and that beauty matters!

    •  by  Rebecca McLoughlin

      Hi Shirely! Thanks so much for you comment an YES to everything you shared! I love how you are bringing this work alive in your own life and home. So beautiful and exciting. Keep enjoying! :-)

      Sending love,

  5. Pingback: In Other’s Words #8 | xoPrincessTina

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