There are certain, precious moments in life when everything changes.

Maybe you feel like life is offering you a glimmering new future — if only you’re brave enough to leap into it. That dream career suddenly falls into place, or your blind date feels like “the one.”

More often, though, it ain’t all roses and rainbows. We get fired, suffer a painful breakup, or lose a loved one. And even the most exciting, positive transitions come with their fair share of inner conflict, indecision, and pain.

But every transition is a precious, messy opportunity to recreate ourselves and our lives with more intention and love — if we know how to work with them.

Unfortunately, our culture doesn’t really know how to deal with transitions. We try our best to ignore the dark side of change, the inner turmoil it triggers, and all the fear, insecurity, and grief that naturally arise.

The result? Many people never truly seize the opportunity of transitions. We chicken out from taking that big leap. We let our grief overpower us, and never move forward. Or we make the external changes without the inner ones … and return to that same dissatisfaction and painfully repeat our old cycle.

Truth #1: Whether your transition is a joyous birth or a painful loss, it will contain excitement and grief, inner conflict and the seeds of deeper self discovery. For awhile, it will feel chaotic … like you’re lost in limbo and can’t feel the floor beneath you.

Truth #2: You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. In fact, you can’t. Friends and family can provide some support, but often the wisest thing we can do in a transition is ask for a fresh perspective. Guidance from someone who’s experienced, skilled, and in love with the deep, inner work that transitions offer us (or demand!).

From my heart to yours: I’d love to support you.

Welcome to my Make Room to Bloom Series- (2)

Some people call this kind of work “life coaching” or “transitional counseling.” I call it Interior Life Design.

I love supporting people through transitions, because I have personally walked the path of endless transitions and transformations. Big and small. Internal and external.

And, I have supported countless others through transitions, in my work as a grief counselor and interior coach.

This I know: these can be the most challenging times of our lives … but when couple them with the right support, guidance, and love, they offer us the potential for major growth and transformation. They become passing gates on the road of life. Milestones that mark subtle and grand changes. Rituals for expansion and renewal.

If you’re in the middle of a major life change, and feeling like you don’t fully know who or where you are — yet have a tiny inkling that this moment is pregnant with possibility — you’re ripe for this work!

This intimate guidance is for you if:

  • You’d love to work with me, but space isn’t your predominant issue
  • You’re going through a transition, whether internal or external: loss of a loved one, divorce, career change, big time personal growth leap, etc.
  • You want to design your life with greater intention and meaning, and truly live it from the inside, out
  • You want to weed out the “crap” in your life and get clear about your priorities
  • You’re starved for more beauty, presence, and joy in your life
  • You are ready to update your life and want to move through this transitional time with greater ease, courage, and clarity.

Together, we’ll create a safe, supportive space for your deepest inquiries. My approach is gentle, compassionate, playful and deep.

I’m not interested in “perfect” or “all happy, all the time.” That’s just not how transitions work. I help clients move through the messy times of life with less perfection … but more grace. More honesty and less placating.

I work with courageous people. People ready to look at that thing they’re been avoiding, head-on. People willing to face their imperfections, draw a line in the sand … and do it gently. People who will say, “enough is enough!” and do the deep work life is asking for, so they can finally move forward.

Whether you feel like you’re at your worst — or just need a little help as you grow into your best— I’d love to support you.

I’m opening 4 spots in my Interior Life Coaching Program. Contact me for details and to set up a free 30 minute introductory call to see if our partnership might be right for you at this time!

If you’re at a crossroads, dying for transformation in a specific area of your life, and sick of being in “survival mode,” please reach out. If there’s a little voice, deep down, calling out, “yes!” I invite you to listen. I am able to have deeper connections (3)

Since working with Rebecca, I have felt (1)

Welcome to my Make Room to Bloom Series- (4)