Are You Starving For Beauty? How to know… (and why it matters!)


For many years, I denied my need for beauty.  I pretended it didn’t matter, it didn’t get me anywhere, or just plain wasn’t important.

I had all sorts of judgments and fears about it — and why I was wrong for wanting it. I had fallen into some of our modern, fast-paced world’s rampant judgments around beauty: it’s an unnecessary luxury, and wanting it makes me materialistic.

It took me a long time to admit how important beauty was to me.

I had to stop judging myself for wanting it

and start appreciating myself for loving it.

Now, I embrace beauty. It has become a driving force in my life — something I strive to surround myself with, and appreciate, everyday. And I’m a far happier person for it!

I believe that beauty is a fundamental human need .. and most of us are starving for it.

I’m on a mission to bring beauty back into our homes and lives.

In our cold, busy, modern world, we’ve forgotten the value of beauty. We’ve lost appreciation for color, design, flow, and harmony.

When we surround ourselves with beauty, we strengthen our connection with our natural essence, our passion, and our purpose. We see our truest, highest selves reflected back to us.

I call this reflection Interior Beauty.

Wherever you find beauty you have also found a source of comfort, hope and self.

      ~ Excerpt from my free e-book, “5 Keys to Wake Up and Love Where You Live.”
            (Download your free copy in the yellow box at the top right corner of this page!)

Beauty is not trivial or materialistic. It is a fundamental expression of your humanity. And your desire for it is real, trustworthy, and incredibly important.

When I work with clients to infuse more beauty into their lives and spaces, we see reliable benefits; Over and over again! Things like:

  • Feeling more centered and grounded naturally
  • Experiencing a peaceful sense of well-being
  • Having more resilience in times of stress
  • Greater access to joy and gratitude
  • Enhanced intimacy and cooperation with those around us
  • An easeful connection to spirit and divinity (whatever this means to you).

Perhaps most importantly, surrounding yourself with beauty makes it easier for you to feel like you.

Why? Because beauty is inherently subjective. What you find beautiful — be it a birdsong, the Mona Lisa, or your child’s artwork — reflects who you are and what matters to you.

Beauty is your essence looking back at you. – Click to Tweet!

Imagine if you could feel more like yourself — especially in stressed, harried moments — simply by looking around your home. If, when life throws you one of its inevitable challenges, and you start feeling pulled in a thousand directions, you could quickly and gently return back to yourself and what matters most to you. This is why filling your home with things you find beautiful is so important!

But so many of us put beauty on the back burner. Even if we admit it’s important to us, we only allow ourselves to indulge in it once everything else on our To Do list is done. Even worse, many of us completely deny our need for beauty … or have buried our desire so deep, we actually don’t have relationship with beauty, at all.

Working through our resistances is the first step to bringing beauty into our lives and harnessing its power.

Are you carrying around any of these judgments, fears or negative beliefs about beauty?

  • It’s a total folly
  • It’s a waste of time (my To Do list is more important)
  • It’s a luxury I don’t need (or deserve)
  • If I care about it, that makes me superficial, materialistic, “high maintenance,” or snobby.
  • I don’t deserve beauty in my life because … fill in the blank
  • I have to earn beauty (what are your conditions?)
  • I don’t know how to create beauty in my life (I’m not “crafty” or artistic)
  • Beauty didn’t matter to my mother/grandmother/role model, and they were just fine, so I should do without it, too.

As powerful as these ideas may feel — they’re merely thoughts and patterned beliefs….and they don’t need to rule your life!

For many of us these beliefs are not even our own:  we inherit them from our parents, our partners, our culture. They are not who we truly are and it’s so vital that we unravel these patterns and form our own relationship with beauty.

The more you can begin letting beauty in your your home and heart, the quieter these messages will become. I promise.

Remember: beauty isn’t about things. It doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming. A single wildflower, if it’s meaningful to you, can be more beautiful than a diamond.


In Your Home: What is one small, simple way you can bring more beauty into your space this week? Remember: this doesn’t need to be costly or extravagant! Brainstorm a few simple ideas, like playing some of your favorite music, hanging that cherished photo, or setting your dinner table with your best linens, for no other reason than to simply…enjoy!

In Your Heart: What fears and judgments have blocked the flow of beauty, in your life? Identify the two strongest for you and visualize them in the palm of your hand, like dandelion puff. Now, take a deep breath, bringing as much self-love and compassion into your heart as possible. On your exhale, blow these thoughts away, and let the wind carry them away. Practice this anytime you find yourself ignoring your need for beauty.

In the Comments:  Tell me about an exquisitely beautiful moment you have experienced in your home or life recently. How did it nourish you?

Stay tuned: Next week, I’ll share the role Beauty played in planning my wedding … and how it showed up in the most unexpected and perfect ways.

Sending love,

 P. S. If you liked this post, I’d love for you to share it with your friends. And if you’re curious about working privately with me (in person or via Skype), contact me to set up your free 30 minute consultation!

One Comment on “Are You Starving For Beauty? How to know… (and why it matters!)

  1.  by  Olympia Alvarez

    Hi there!
    I just found this article and I want you to know that it really spoke to my heart. I’ve recently been into the art of setting intentions in my life and the one thing that I am always attracted to is the theme of beauty! And you’re absolutely right about how we try to talk ourselves out of it. I am guilty of this. As if beauty is a frivolous thing we shouldn’t strive for or want yet it’s something that we need and makes life worth it. And you’re also right that it doesn’t have to be pricey…like today, after work I’m going to catch the sunset at my local beach so it’s perfect and it doesn’t cost a thing.
    So thank you for reminding us that beauty has value in our lives and there’s nothing wrong with wanting or achieving it. One of my daily intentions goes like this: “I intend to find or create beauty around me.”

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